Friday, April 20, 2012

Felt Animal Habitat tutorial

Hello all!

Today I will show you how I make my felt animal habitats for Busy Bag Exchange group. We will be making 6 habitats (shark, bird, butterfly, owl, monkey and frog).


Felt (various colors)
Binder rings (2)
Hole reinforcements
Fabric marker
Glue gun
Hole puncher
Ruler or any other measuring tool
and patience


1. Prepare habitat squares
2. Build habitat scenes
3. Put it all together

Here we go!

Step 1. 

This is probably the most tedious and hardest part of this whole process. 
Using a 4 inch by 4 inch ruler square (you can also use any ruler you have, just make sure you are measuring 4 by 4) cut out 7 squares of felt according to the colors you would like for your background and cover. 

Colors I used are as follows:
FROG- yellow
BUTTERFLY -  dark green
BIRD- light green
SHARK -  light blue
MONKEY - grey
OWL - midnight blue (darker blue)
COVER - orange

Once you have your squares cut out, using the same ruler and a marker measure and mark with a dot 1/2 inch from left and right sides of the square and about a 1/4 inch down. Here is a visual. 

After all your squares are marked use hole puncher to cut out holes where the dots are. I'm sure there is a tool you can use to make this easier, but I do not have it and do not know what it would be called :) Anyhow, most of the felt will not punch easily, so you will have to use some force and scissors to finish cutting the hole. 

Apply reinforcements to both sides of the hole. NOTE: I bought clear reinforcements from Office Depot and they held better than white ones from Dollar Store. At this point your squares should look similar to this. 

Your felt squares are ready for action!

Step 2. Building habitat scenes

This step here is a 3 sub step process. Cut out felt (Monkey BirdFrogOwlSharkButterfly), put it together and set it aside. DO NOT GLUE the pieces yet. You are more than welcome to veer off the pattern provided and create your own habitats!  

Lets start with the frog. 

Cut out the pond, lily pad and flower. Stack them and place on yellow square, just like so.

Continue onto making the frog and place it in the pond. 

Do the same for shark habitat. (I wanted dolphin, but could not get it to look like one so stuck with a shark :)

And butterfly habitat.

And of course silly monkey habitat.

Almost there... Do the same with bird habitat. 

And lastly, the owl habitat. Aren't you glad there's only 6? :) 

YAY! Now you can adjust the pieces. Using fabric marker fill in the details, such as dots in the coconuts, stand for bird house, owl feathers etc... Once you are satisfied how things look go ahead and start gluing them using hot glue gun. DO NOT GLUE THE ANIMALS TO THE HABITAT. These fellas have a special place for them. 

Step 3. Putting it all together.

Using the last square of felt cut a small square that will act as a pocket and glue the sides and the bottom to the cover. This is where your child can store the animals. Once the glue dries (should be no more than a minute) go ahead and put these habitats on 2 binder rings and use it as a book. 

Some activities you can do with this book is talking about each animal, where they live, what they eat etc... 
If you have an overabundance of stuffed animals or beanie babies, set them out and have your child match habitats to the stuffed animals. And don't forget to make the animal sounds!!!

You're DONE! Woot Woot!!! Or, should I say " Ribbit Ribbit"


Monday, April 9, 2012

Come sail away...

As some of you may know, I am part of a wonderful Facebook group Busy bag exchange. For this months busy bag I decided to do "Lighthouse kit". After a brief walk through I want to share with you what really brought this activity to life.

I first saw the idea to store felt pieces in a DVD case on pinterest. Once I decided on lighthouses I knew DVD case would be a perfect fit. I used scrap booking paper for DVD cover, glued on some muslin, attached Bible verse and felt anchor to the front. Inside the DVD case you will find the lighthouse puzzle, cards of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Lighthouse of Alexandria is one of them!) with a brief description on the back. In this kit I also included instructions on how to make your own lighthouse, Captains log entry and a list of Light keeper duties. It all fits perfectly into handmade drawstring bag with an anchor in the front. The only thing not in the pictures is instructions on how to use these activities. I had a lot of fun making it and hope to visit a real working lighthouse someday soon!!!

And here is our idea of bringing it all to LIFE! Enjoy the pics...

I bought a few dowels and a fishing net. The girls colored their flag!

I rolled and taped construction paper to make it into binoculars. Laid down blue blanket for "water".

Smaller dowels where used as "oars". 

The bag was doubled as an "anchor" while they where getting a snack. 
"We spotted land, thanks to lighthouse"!!!

Sailor Baby Grape is ready for a nap :)

Thanks for reading!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My very first blog entry!!! How do I do this? :)

Well, here it is. The very first one. Hm... Writing a blog is harder than it looks. I am beginning to rethink my idea. But, you know what? I will plow forward and not look back. After all, this is supposed to be fun! Right?!

Sooo, without further adieu, here goes Random Acts of Creativity!

Today started off great. Until my husband went to work with my keys, that is! So instead me and the kiddos (A and Baby Grape) went for a stroll around the neighborhood. Usually on our walks I snap pictures of blooming flowers or budding trees with my phone. Here is pic of today's find.

We continued the festivities in our play room where A and Baby Grape role played with the dinosaurs and later prepared hanging wall chart for our Space/Weather month. Hopefully the dinosaur obsession will soon fade. Hoping. (Don't tell A that I said that!)

"Baby Grape, Baby Grape, what do you see?!" 

As you can see by the last picture, Baby Grape has had enough of these shenanigans so we moved the party to her crib, where she is peacefully asleep :)